Hello, World!
Welcome to “Made With Mu”, a blog to celebrate the projects and achievements of users of the Mu Python code editor. Mu is a Python editor for beginner programmers based on extensive feedback given by teachers and learners. The project’s main website can be found at codewith.mu.
If you have a project you’d like celebrated here, use the form on the submit page (also linked from the site’s header) to tell us about it..!
We welcome submissions from anybody, no matter your skill level, project type or background. If you’re thinking, “they probably don’t mean me” then we definitely mean you.
We’re friendly and, if needed, will help make sure your project is presented in the best possible way.
def hello(name):
return f"Hello, {name}"
name = input("What is your name? ")
What are you waiting for? Go submit something!